Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A Nonny Mouse

Welcome to my new anonymous blog! I created this in response to finding out that one of my adorable clients was searching for me on the interweb. Ooops! Time to anonymize things, would you say?

Speaking of my adorable clients, they are - literally and figuratively - dropping like flies. Some are moving away. Some feel like they are finished with therapy. And my little girl with cancer died over the weekend. This was my first experience losing a patient, and it continues to be hard. It's very strange to have this type of experience at work and then tolerate the things people usually complain about at their jobs. It is also strange to grieve someone that no one else knows, to not be able to say their name to anyone, and to have to process the loss in the workplace alone. Don't get me wrong, M has been 100% awesome (and who would have doubted it?), but the experience remains difficult.

I don't know how frequently I'll be blogging. I am insanely busy this month, what with 2 on-call days per week (12 hours +/day), a full caseload, and a new crop of trainees that it is my job as chief resident to help train and acclimate. Whee! October will be a happy month, let me tell you!


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