
Monday, October 30, 2006

San Diegoriffic

I'll admit it: I was dreading the family wedding that Captain Awesome and I attended this weekend in San Diego. While there are no actual problems between the in-laws and me, I do have some sincere reservations about certain members of the Awesome tribe, and generally don't cry when we aren't invited over for Christmas.

The wedding was for 4pm, so the Capt. and I showed up around 3. We took a lovely stroll along the waterfront, as the Capt's cousin had the good sense to get married on a lovely afternoon on Mission Bay. By 3:45, the sound guy was the only other person apparently attending this wedding besides us. It was decidedly odd. It's like the entire world had rescheduled via telepathy, without informing us.

Slowly, slowly, Awesomes began to arrive. We meeted and greeted and were seated, and then waited... and waited... Around 5pm I believe the wedding actually did begin; however, the guests were so disgruntled/amused at this point that there was a dull murmer of commentary and snipy banter throughout. The Australian Merchant Marine (or "Captain Aussie") gave his clearly pre-packaged wedding service that generically referred to the love of the bride and groom and their future. Vows, kisses, open bar!

The caterer, apparently also in tune with the psychic loop that the Capt. and I were shut out of, was several hours late, meaning that we were all flying high by the time the hors d'oevres began making their appearance around 7pm. Dinner was at about a timely 7:45, at which point no one was waiting for the head table to be excused, toasts were cut short, and there was a beline for the over-steamed cauliflower and dry rolls.

Lest it sound like I am being too snarky, allow me to say that I had a lovely time meeting some new Awesome relatives, dancing with Granddad Awesome, and that the green appletini buzz I had going made conversing with Stepmom Awesome a tolerable experience. It's fun to be an observer/participant in large family functions like this where I have the out of "well, it's not really my family" when it gets to be too much.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Happy Birthday Captain Awesome!

M is celebrating his birthday today- join in, friends!

I'd like to wish M a personal birthday greeting, in that I want him to know how much I appreciate his awesomeness, supportiveness, and overall fabulous self. I owe so much of who I am to our close association over the past 4 years and 364 days, and I am very, very grateful for the life we share.

Not that I'm totally into you, or anything.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Check Mate

5+ years after beginning my degree I will be walking out of my school on Wednesday officially finished and doctorized. The major pieces are already completed-- my dissertation has been signed off, and all that remains is for the administrative machinery at my school to put it on my transcript. While this may not happen instantly, it is apparently kosher for me to be referring to myself as doctor anyway, as I have met all of the requirements for my degree.

The fact of my doctorness is somewhat less intense than one might imagine, given that, of the 8 students in my group, I was the only post-doc who hadn't actually graduated yet, meaning I was, if anything, behind the curve. Also, in a hospital, no matter how skilled you are as a doctor of psychology, in the Emergency Room you'll find someone who'll look down their nose at you because you're "Just a Ph.D." Obnoxious, but also humbling.

All that being said, I'm very happy to be official, and happy to not be Mrs. M. anymore. God, did I hate being called "Mrs." Now I have a real excuse- "Um, it's Doctor, actually."

Monday, October 16, 2006


As I sit here waiting out my on-call day (I'm clear at 6:30, though I have to stay until 7. Hope I'm not jinxing myself!) I have a mental clock in my head ticking down the hours until my dissertation defense. As today has been relatively mild, work-crisis wise (now I have jinxed myself, I'm sure), I have actually had time to think about what it might mean to me to be a doctor.

Well, really, I've had time to think that it might mean something to me; the what is still pending. Thursday is the big day- 3:30pm the hour. Think of me...

Meanwhile, afterwards, we'll be going out so that M can receive his congratulations.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Head Case

Besides being my login on a number of sites where I wish to remain anonymous, "headcase" most accurately describes my state of being at the moment. I was in a conversation this morning where someone said their goal was to "reduce the crazy" present at work. Profound, given that we work in the Department of Psychiatry, and yet we are being driven out of our minds by bureacratic inefficiency.

In short: I am drowning in administrative bullshit. Do not smell me for the next few weeks- I assure you the stink will be staying with me. I am not very happy.

In addition, I am trying to work my personal life into this job somehow. To whit: I am planning to defend my dissertation next Thursday, which means I will be Dr. Mollynonymous by the end of the month. Revere me accordingly. I am also trying to look forward to the 3 day weekend M and I have planned for next weekend, but it's hard to look beyond the next 24 hours.

I used to love this job. I am really hoping a time will come when I love it again.